Brazilian Glasslite Vlix, MOC: This is it, the rarest of all Star Wars figures to be commercially released. The figure, Vlix, represents an obscure character from the short-lived Droids cartoon series. In the States, it was scheduled for release in Kenner's second series of Droids action figures, but, due to the cancellation of the show, it was never issued. American collectors had been familiar with prototypes of the Vlix figure for years; but it was not until the early '90s that news of its release in Brazil began spreading throughout the collecting community.

Vlix was issued by the Glasslite company, which made figures for the Droids series, as well as for the more popular film series. Why was Vlix released in Brazil and not in the United States? Hard to say. But the inclusion of the character on the line-wide card art proves conclusively that it was no fluke that some Vlixen found their ways onto store shelves. Very few of these carded Vlix figures are known to exist; there are probably less than a dozen of them currently in American collections.

Its hard to tell from this photo, but the blister card of this figure has actually been restored. It is, in fact, the same figure that is pictured here.

Chris is currently looking to sell this figure. He also has a wide variety of other Star Wars items for sale, and frequently sells on the Ebay auction site. He can be reached via email at His Ebay user name is Vlix1.

Description: Ron Salvatore
Photo: Chris Mueller
From the collection of Chris Mueller